Sunday, August 8, 2010


I finished reading Acts and did some online reading about Luke and I was STARTLED to read that he wasn't one of the 12 apostles. I had read the opening of Luke about how he did research and all and I just thought he meant that he did research on top of his own experiences. I did not know that he was a Gentile. It's not important in the grand scheme of it all I suppose but I was just suprised that I missed this for years and years!

At the end of Acts Paul finally makes it to Rome. This flows nicely into the next book which is Paul's letter to the Romans. This is good really as you can see the journey that Paul made and all he went through to get to Rome. It gives more credibility to the letter he writes to the Romans (though I don't technically know when it was written- maybe it was written before his trip to get there)

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