Sunday, May 9, 2010


When I read Matthew 26 (before Matthew 27 but I only remembered to write it now) I thought it was interesting how verses 6-13 where the woman shows extravagant love in anointing Jesus with oil backs against verses 14-16 where Judas shows extravagant deceit in agreeing to betray Jesus.
Since I have been looking at decision making processes, I thought these two examples were interesting. The woman took the oil and what did she think - did she think about the cost? did she think about what others thought of her? did she think at all? I'm guessing either no - she was someone who made decisions based on feelings OR she was someone who felt the prompting of God and just did it even though her mind may have been telling her it didn't make sense. I am not someone who makes decisions based on feelings. Sometimes I wish I did. But I hope to override my brain and be obedient to God as much as I can.
I can see better what was going on with Judas. I can see that he may have really thought that he was doing the best thing. He was logically analyzing what was going on and it didn't make sense what Jesus was doing. In fact it still doesn't make sense, but then God is so much bigger than our little human brains. I guess Judas didn't grasp the sacredness of what was going on.
Don't let us miss Your sacred touch.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Aphra- very good example of analyzing T vs F decisions. Have you ever seen the play or movie Jesus Christ Superstar??? It is pretty much looking at Jesus life from judas point of view, and it is quite interesting in places. I think we all have tendencies toward T or F but ultimately all is a mixture of the 2, even if one is just barely there. I once took a personality test that labeled me an Objective Thinker, but i tend to go with my feelings more thus the INFJ. I would like to read more on analysis of personality and theoloy and see how the 2 interact.