Saturday, December 6, 2008

Food, olive oil and wine

I have to say, I am rather pleased about my determination to post every day for advent and am quite enjoying it.

At the start of 2 Chronicles 11, Rehoboam is about to set out to war against Israel. But God said no. And they obeyed.

Then Rehoboam goes in defensive mode (if you aren't offensive, I guess having a good defense is good) and fortifies his cities. He also stocks up on supplies of food, olive oil and wine. I thought that was an interesting list of most important life commodities of the time.

Then the chapter goes on to discuss Rehoboams' wives and one interesting snippet is:
21 Rehoboam loved Maacah daughter of Absalom more than any of his other wives and concubines.

A note that if you have more than one wife, you probably don't love them all the same. Also probably her children are more favored than the other wives...

When You say No, help me to respond in obedience.

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