Monday, August 30, 2010

Love builds up

1 Corinthians 8 talks about the 'issue' of eating food sacrificed to idols.
The issue is not so much of one now as I certainly can't recall anyone offering me food sacrificed to an idol in my whole life.
But how the issue was handled.
I think the key is in Paul saying "Love builds up" (vs. 1)
That the issues aren't so much of the deal but that we move in love to build up others.
That we are considerate of other's feelings and beliefs and to realize that the most important thing is connecting the person to God.
For example, all Churches have their own unique features and don't worship God in the same way. It is not our place to say which is better, but that we encourage people to connect to God in the best way that they can. And as they connect to God more, they will grow more and maybe how they do things will change. But change comes organically. The Holy Spirit never forces you to do things.

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