Sunday, October 11, 2015


I have been reading about the life of David and one character who stuck out to me was Joab. So close to David. An advisor to the King. A smart strategic man. But a man who was a little too invested in himself. When David made decisions he didn't agree with, sometimes the person it involved died at the hand of Joab. Joab didn't stay loyal at the end. Maybe David wasn't such an inspirational figure anymore. So when David made Soloman King, he told him that Joab had to die. While he figured he could handle Joab's loose cannoness, he wasn't ok to pass that on to his son.

Judas was a person like this. While things were good, he was loyal. But when things weren't, he jumped ship. We all know people like this. People who could stay loyal but see it in their best interest to leave. Sometimes things that we think are our best interest really are not.

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