Sunday, June 6, 2010

You may want to be quiet

So Jesus is ripping a strip off the Pharisees in Luke 11, talking about how they care more about the outward appearance than the inward person.
When He finishes, a person who was not in the Pharisee group, says this:

Luke11:45One of the experts in the law answered him, "Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also."

Apparently, what Jesus is saying is hitting home! Which is a good thing, I think. However, bringing this up at this time might not have been a great idea. As Jesus proceeds to go on just as long about the "experts in the law" and what they are missing. I bet after that the guy might not have been so happy that he spoke up.

However, knowing the truth is the important thing. Even if you have to hear it in not such a nice way, so I guess that was expedient.

Jesus in this passage shows that He answers questions directly- if we ask questions we have to expect that we might not like the answer.

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