Friday, February 27, 2009


I have now started into the Psalms. I remember as a 5th grader getting the gideon bible in my class. It was my first Bible that I remember. I think I read it- I remember singing the Psalms- and I'm not a singer. I'm not sure why I knew to do that. I guess they said they were songs at the top and I thought that it only did them justice to sing them. I also remember using the 'resource' list at the back- there were scriptures that you could read if you were feeling lonely or hurt or so and I tried the read the scripture corresponding to my mood!

25 To the faithful you show yourself faithful,
to the blameless you show yourself blameless,

26 to the pure you show yourself pure,
but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd.

This scripture seems to indicate that the aspects that you see of God are the ones that are most like you!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Well, I finished Job but I'm not sure that I understand it any better. Job doesn't curse God after all he goes through, so I guess he passes. But God does bring him up short at the end, which Job agrees with and then everything is fine and dandy. I wasn't sure what to make of Job repeating multiple times that he was sinless, when it says in the New Testament that all have sinned. (well, minus Jesus) And I don't think that God particularly cared if he was sinless or not, just that his heart was right towards Him.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


When I first became a Christian, my friends encouraged me to read the Bible. But they qualified it. They said read the Bible, but skip Job. They implied that Job was really complicated. It probably is good advice to a new Christian to start in the New Testament.
I have read Job a number of times since being a Christian but have never got a lot out of it. I think this is the first time I have read it and really tried to understand the characters. Do I know people like this? From hearing other people discussing Job, I went into it thinking that Job is right and the 'friends' are wrong. But in reading it, I am not sure who is right and who is wrong and if it really matters. I think they both have interesting points on suffering. I am only about halfway through- we'll see how things go in the next half!