Friday, September 26, 2008

1 Kings

I haven't updated here recently, not because I haven't been reading and thinking, but with my work, I just haven't had time to post! I am very passionate about reading at least one chapter a day. I think it's good for me :)

In 1 Kings 1 there's an interesting comment on parenting. One of David's sons- Adonijah - starts to run amuck and in verse 6 there is this comment:
His father had never interfered with him by asking, "Why do you behave as you do?"
Our actions or inactions in parenting can have an affect on how the child is raised.

Extravagance can get God's attention. In 1 Kings 3:4 Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. Why would you offer so much? Solomon must have been really desperate to hear from God there. It was shortly after that that God asked him what he wanted and he asked for wisdom and God was pleased. I think that is one reason God hangs close to Rustle. We are really desperate people!

A number of chapters in 1 Kings are about the building of the temple. This sounds like a lot of work and dedication. There was so much that went into it. So much care. So much investment. And yet later Solomon goes adrift from the way of the Lord. Staying with the Lord is a continual thing that you have to do day by day. Just because you build a big temple for him one day, doesn't mean you are guaranteed to stay with Him the next day. (He will never leave you, but we can leave Him)

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