Wednesday, July 9, 2008


In Joshua 7 some dude steals some of the holy things of the Lord and hid them under his tent. The result is that Israel looses a battle and the people all get discouraged, then God says to Joshua in v. 11 "Israel has sinned". Not just the one silly dude, but the whole country gets the blame! Because the people of God are a body, an organism, what one member does affects all the rest.

ETA: Fred noted that the rest of Israel was not so lily white. Probably the guy centered out was not the only dude stealing. But also, some people must have known this was going on and turned a blind eye to it.

1 comment:

FDuquette said...

I have often though that the dude was also a harbinger, that everyone was stealing something, not just him who literally stole.