In Num 22 Balak wants to curse Israel because he feels threatened by them. So he goes to Balaam. Balaam seems to be some kind of spiritual guy who lives off somewhere in solitude. I picture the proverbial wise man in the cave. He doesn't seem to be an Israelite (why would Balak ask an Isrealite to curse Israel? so probably a no here) but he does seem to have a special ability to hear God.
When Balak's men come to him the first time, Balaam has no trouble at all telling the men that he will not go. I would say that if this was a test for Balaam that he passed with flying colours. A good day.
The problem is that Balak doesn't give up. He doesn't go and ask someone else to do the cursing despite the relative unsuccessfulness of the first mission. Balak sends another (better) crew to ask Balaam again. And it looks to me that Balaam is going to turn them down again. Certainly, he knew that what God told him the first time probably wouldn't change. But he goes off to hear what 'else' God might have to say.
Now here is where the story takes a wonky turn!
When Balaam asks a second time God tells him to go, but only do what He tells him. But when Balaam tries to go with the men, God gets angry with him. So, what happened? Did God want him to go or not? Was God's first command the one he wanted him to stick with? Was Balaam not hearing clearly the second time? So, even though it seems like God tells Balaam to go, God sends an angel to block Balaam's way. The donkey Balaam is on keeps him from getting killed by the angel but Balaam does not know this and so gets mad at the donkey. Then the donkey talks to Balaam! Very strange indeed. Balaam seems pretty ready to please telling the angel that he has sinned and that he was quite happy to go back.
But what isn't clear is HOW he sinned. If God told him to go and he went, well, that's not a sin. Maybe he;s talking about the past- it indicates in Num 24:1 that he practiced sorcery in the past, but he was not doing it now.
So he tells the angel he's willing to go back and the Lord (who seemed to send the angel to kill him for going) says go, but say what I(God) tell you.
He goes. Balak goes to meet him. And Balak doesn't seem too happy with him either. Balak seems upset that Balaam didn't come the first time he asked. Balaam doesn't seem to be able to please anybody here!
Then Balak takes Balaam to curse Israel and of course Balaam can't, as he warned them he couldn't because he's promised God to say what He tells him to. And Balak is even less pleased than before. But probably God was pleased and hopefully didn't send anymore angels to kill him.